75Hard Week #1 - Learning from 2020, The Year of "Pause"

75 Hard Week #1- Learning From 2020, The Year of “Pause”
Have you ever sat back and thought about pressing pause on a video game, or electronic device? It stops, as it should. But press pause on a human being, and we GO! Our minds thrive in the quiet moments. If that’s a hard concept to grasp, just think about the vivid dreams that we have while sleeping, or why your best ideas seem to come to you in the shower.
For José and me, we are dubbing 2020 “the year of pause.” But not just because we were couch-camping and fully committed to a new relationship status with DoorDash and Netflix. 2020, as dark as it was for our world, was a year that forced us to slow the hustle and bustle of life as we knew it, and to expand our minds in the gift of a pause.
We believe that physical fitness is just as important as mental athleticism, and so in preparation for the gift of a new year we completed a reflective exercise - 20 lessons learned in 2020. We are going to (humbly) share the exercise with you below, but I’ll also challenge anyone reading this blog (hi, mom!!) to reflect as well, as a way to intentionally align yourself for 2021!
20 Lessons Learned in 2020 1. Time is the most precious gift. 2. Meditate together often. 3. We can thrive with much less than what we thought. - - Growth is always outside your comfort zone. - - Embracing failure doesn’t make you weak, it makes you stronger. - - Make movement a daily habit. - - Seek beauty outdoors. - - Make gratitude a daily habit. - - Growth is intentional; read daily. - - The most important gift you can give is your time; volunteer and make a difference for others. - - Find joy in the stillness. - - Practice discipline, even when no one is watching. - - Communication really is the foundation of a healthy marriage. - - It’s ok to not be in control. - - Be grounded in the present; enjoy even the small, seemingly insignificant, moments. - - Be flexible, practice yoga. - - Be quick to forgive. - - Practice kindness, to yourself and others. - - Choose to avoid toxic relationships. - - Happiness is not situational.
This was a productive exercise and forced us to reflect on some tough times and process them in a positive light. Adversity is one heck of a life coach.
Although it’s a “new year, new you” nothing miraculous will happen, unless we intentionally act. What are your expectations for 2021? If it’s physical or mental athleticism, if you’re looking to get “back on track” or to feel more structured, join us as we blog our way through the 75Hard program. It’s free, and we are beginning on TODAY! Here’s a quick breakdown on what it entails, if you’re not familiar.
7️⃣5️⃣ Days:
Two 45 minute workouts, one which MUST be outdoors (yeah, embrace the suck)
Follow a nutrition plan (anything you’d like) no alcohol and no cheat days
1 gallon of water, daily
10 pages in an entrepreneurial book
Daily progress picture
We are not our thoughts, we ARE our actions. Here’s a reminder to show up for yourself the same way you show up for others.